How it Works

New recipes are released weekly. Sign-up for my newsletter to be notified when the recipes go live!

1. Browse available recipes in the shop

2. Add the recipes you love to your cart and purchase

3. Download the photos and recipe instantly from the confirmation page or the link in your email

4. Add the recipe to your blog for your readers to enjoy


What Will You Get?

Each recipe includes the following

* At least 15 high resolution photos in jpg format

- 1 or more vertical ingredient photos

- 3-5+ vertical process photos

- 5-8+ vertical hero (final) photos

- 2-4+ horizontal hero (final) photos

* Written kitchen-tested recipe and instructions ran through the anti-plagiarism site Copyscape

* Written notes with tips and tricks to assist your readers in making the recipe

*Copywrite of the images

*Instant download of the files!